Friday, October 5, 2012

How to 10 to protect small business computer network

If you don't have a company to take care of the computer infrastructure, such as nerve plexus and dedicated IT staff, running smoothly on my here, to keep the Office network is basic stuff you can do 10.

1. Keep your anti-virus program's current-check whether software is updated correctly now, antivirus subscription. So just anti virus software is attached to the computer protecting it can mean, isn't sure. I do not recommend those free trial these days usually come to every new Pc, in the MacAfees and nortons world. We recommend whether or not buy a subscription instead of Avast and AVG Free Edition installation, was ranked higher than consumer reports the most famous brands. However, I recommended your server if trend micro comes at very reasonable costs for recovery of all files from the server-especially compared to the price.

2. To use the Internet gateway appliance-resolve, for the radio block firewall, spam have probably heard ad from like a lot of equally effective, and less expensive or free options. Sit in between the filter whether or not your Internet connection and's hitchhiking website or e-mail these devices all junk mail type. If you're feeling my bugs trying to get my house, I rather front door stop, so it is the catch in the kitchen to keep computers from these ever reached.

3 Be vigilant-if not expecting the attachment, email from someone you know but it won't open. If a Web link in e-mail, you sure need to click it? If a sales guy and he will file his Flash drive, politely refuse. My colleagues several years ago and was relatively small database project local developer interview. Copying data can take him well his fingers, his Keychain flash drive to flirt with him his shiny to look at the House file and get back to us to provide. We decline to say we're back to him and get back.

4. Restricted employees computer usage-if not the web to freely they need access to perform their duties if the web access from your employee's computer, probably inviting trouble. Resolution of such appliances are easy to block, restrict, or monitor web activity each user can make. Block built in January from back in my blog post called for a cheaper alternative, right Internet Explorer Content Advisor, a free and effective web tools "to check.

5. Make cellular data on Flash drives, CD/DVD burner and CD burner very portable external media controls. So right flash drive is portable temporary hiding in an unhappy employee iPod can, or walk the door snuggly is important company data. If they have need of their work, not giving them that just like the Internet. Turn off CD burner, USB port here is a link for free tools.

6 Children visit offices, if their computer is your ' must go this high, this computer. If you leave your computer on overnight had them ( control + Alt-Delete + computer ) lock check. Crew, to entice kids and cleaning now we hate you?

7. Routine maintenance-in the back is the Melissa virus, pulled all cleaning of your love, Nimda and some night I don't because having no anti-virus software, security holes lacked the connection and the latest Microsoft updates, infected machines after machines. Recommend to the workstation settings for Windows Update automatically. Installs the required Microsoft security and software updates, and receive computers as needed. Make sure the configured as your anti-virus. Download updates, configure the server to install to select. I will. Time to fix if you have this problem you can update after hours or on weekends because many showing up it before people start work.

8. Security of your wireless network-came onto the scene can count having a free Internet connection went thanks to people too intimidated, or Wi-Fi too lazy at first almost to configure wireless networking security everywhere, when. Today, however, they provide secure ever so hanging people, you surf notebook PCs and network God-know - God - know-before starting in the parking lot of a latte to send anyone what is yours is easier than checking.

9. Limit the Windows operating system, and Windows file permissions or built in setting permissions to allow access to individual or group, has. For example, administrators and to Assistant Becky if you have files and folders don't have access you and your accountant only you! Alternatively, you can set it up to you maybe you should be involved in your performance review is. These settings are easy but a little first, should be trained.

computer network security

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