Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Steps to Fix "Setup Was Unable to Find MSI Package" Installer Errors

3) Kako bi spriječili ovaj problem događa u budućnosti, to je poželjno da ste u mogućnosti koristiti "Registry čistač" popraviti sve pogreške koje se nalaze unutar Registry baze podataka.Veliki uzrok pogreške kao što je to način na koji Windows često spašava mnoge postavke u registru na pogrešan način.Registra je u osnovi velika baza podataka koja pohranjuje mnoge različite datoteke i opcije za Windows, a gdje je vaše računalo čuva velik broj postavki koje je potrebno pokrenuti. Ako postati bilo koji od tih postavki oštećen ili korumpiran, Windows ne može čitati datoteke to zahtijeva, uzrokujući pogreške. Registry čišćenje riješiti ovaj problem skeniranja kroz Registry baze podataka, i to je preporučljivo koristiti jednu kako bi bili sigurni ta pogreška nije problem.

"Setup was unable to find the MSI package" error is a very common error that shows when you try to install programs on your computer. This is caused by your computer not being able to download the files it needs to complete the installation downloaded from the server, because your computer is connected via a proxy server.


This error is caused by your computer to be able to download the file the.msi needed to complete the installation from the Internet. MSI files that Windows uses to install the various applications, and this is often the case that the installers will take various.msi files from the Internet to either save space or to the installer to datuma.Problem occurs if you are behind a proxy -. Prevent Windows from being able to download the required

How to fix bug

1) The first thing you should do is make sure that you are actually behind a proxy server. To do this, you need to look at the menu, Internet Options in Internet Explorer and see if it is selected to send web traffic through a proxy. If selected, then you should move to the second step.

1) The first thing you should do is make sure that you are actually behind a proxy server. To do this, you need to look at the menu, Internet Options in Internet Explorer and see if it is selected to send web traffic through a proxy. If selected, then you should move to the second step.


2) If you are behind a proxy server, then you should find a direct way to connect to the Internet. You can find a local WiFi hotspot, or maybe your friend is a connection to the Internet - to be able to download the installation files you need. You May also want to download the full version of the installer (not the "web version) that will not have to download any additional files from the Internet.


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