Well, if you were considering some of the interesting events and announcements on the 2012 All Things Digital Conference and Expo, then obviously went over to the new app on the war between Google and Apple in the "mapping space" and what could mean for your future mobile technologies. Apple wants to ditch Google, and users must only use the Apple app mapping, which would correspond with all other applications that collect and disseminate information to advertisers.
Ok, so, I would like to talk a bit about the human mind, brain mapping our internal processes, and how all that interfaces with our memory and how we think. People tend to have very good navigation system, and are good at returning to the place they once visited. Is there an evolutionary reason for this obviously, and there is a physical explanation of the brain that allows for it, it turns out that a New York taxicab driver after only a few months show that the density in that part of the brain has increased.
There is an interesting piece recently in the LA Times 14th June, 2012 entitled, ". Man's quest for a ticket to LA indicates the way home - Eric Brightwell is a small town boy who was infected with the enormity of his quirky views of its neighbors it on the road to new life," which by Nita Lelyveld, which is explained that this individual was able to get maps that are drawn by hand, but with sophistication, and not as you could get a ticket for a friend on how to get somewhere - the article also explains how these maps as well as those who use them to get around the city
.Map type cartoon schematics seem to be a very positive thing, almost as mind mapping diagram. People really like it, though, people like Google's satellite views, even those such as Google's 3-D aerial photography and even better, much like Street View karte.Pitanje how you like your cards? Different people like to look at the maps in a different way, and it turns out that not one-size-fits-all. Indeed, I can not say for sure if there is a genetic component of why people love their cards in a certain way, but the fact that they do.
Personally, as a lover of maps, and having traveled to every city in the U.S., I'm pretty much all mapped out in my brain about where everything is in relation to everything else. Also, looking at the pictures in the United States, aerial view, satellite imagery, maps and flight tickets from a local car club, and all these new cards online application, I noticed that they are synchronized with how vidimsvijet.
Now, therefore, could not say whether a particular style of cards wins the "Map of the wars it will help some people who have brains formatted in a certain way, and make it a challenge for others. It will also format a little spatial reasoning part of the human brain in our society. There are consequences for it, and I'd like you to please do all that and take it into account. If you have any questions or comments or would like to do research on this topic, please send me an e-mail.
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