Sunday, August 7, 2011

What's in Store Now Harry Potter Is No More?

of seven books, eight films and this is really the end of Harry Potter? Fans are currently walking from the cinema with tears rolling down their faces and fell apart. But the story will live as JK Rowling, as is known, gives more fans to share more material that failed in the book.

JK Rowling is one smart cookie, she knows her fans are still hungry and still want more, so it's wise to create Pottermore is just that, more than Potter. In recent years she has been working to build a new online iskustvo.Free Website builds an exciting online experience around reading the Harry Potter books. This is very clever as she promises to reveal a wealth of new and previously unreleased material on the world of Harry Pottera.Mnogo materials never made in books or movies, so rather than let it go to waste, she devised a clever way to use it. That's what the fans want more.

as the site develops it will discover facts and information on becoming smaller details that fans will lap up. There are details such as the significance of any differences wand woods which at the time of writing is thought that there would be interest. Luckily it kept all my notes over the years and this site will eventually discover them, genious!

page is intended as a place to share stories with their friends as they journey through the pages. This opens the first million at 31 July, which is more than adequate Harry rođendan.Puni run all customers will be held in October this year. Also, the site will allow fans to keep the long-awaited book version of Harry Potter stories.

But wait there is more. Hundreds of fan sites are popping up all over the place and one is proving to be quite popular with more than two million reported korisnika.Stranica is a place where you can post your own Potter story.

So, fans need not mourn the loss of Potter as there are lots of sites, and even a film location tours devoted to the phenomenon of Harry Potter. Thanks to the fans refused to accept the end of Harry Potter and JK Rowling, Potter will never be a Potter-no-more.

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